"We're excited to launch our new website, featuring an expanded range of products!"
ThermalVATBAND is a simple as adhesive tape that applied to a 3D resin printer VAT will maintain an ideal temperature for your photopolymer resin, despite the ambient temperature. ThermalVATBAND regulates temperature using thermostats that can be easily be attached and are safe to the touch. Using ThermalVATBAND is efficient and cost effective, costing $.85 per 24hr compared to $4.50 per 24hr for typical 120V conventional heaters.
Costs less than .28 cents per day
240V Type A,B,I,G
Attach 2-3 printers on one adapter
All size VATS from Metal to Plastic
Thermalvatband © 2022 All rights reserved - Made in the USA Patent Pending
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